Saturday, November 4, 2023

Some Quotes By Oliver B. Greene

Some Quotes By Oliver B. Greene

I like this statement by Oliver B. Greene on John 3:15:

“Jesus on the cross was heaven's best for earth's worst.”

A few pages later in his commentary on the Gospel of John, he has this paragraph:

“Notice that God told Moses exactly what to do, and Moses obeyed. God also told the Israelites what to do: they were simply to ‘Look, and live.’ The only way a dying Israelite could be healed and have life was to look to the brazen serpent. He was not to touch it nor speak to it; he was simply to LOOK upon it. The only way the unbeliever can benefit from Christ’s death on Calvary is to look to Him in faith. No matter how near death an Israelite was, if he had strength enough to open his eyes and look upon the serpent of brass he was instantly healed. In the same manner, regardless of how weak one’s faith may be, any poor sinner who will look to Jesus and sincerely believe and trust will be saved. Sincere faith brings salvation.”

A little bit later:

"The invitation to the sinner is to 'whosoever' - no one is excluded. No matter how feeble the faith may be - (it is not the quantity of faith, but in WHOM we believe); no matter how sinful and wretched the person may be, if he believes he has everlasting life."

My comments:

Like a grain of mustard seed - even a little bit of true faith is noticed by our Saviour. Like several of the characters in Pilgrim's Progress, they still made it to the Celestial City, even if they were lame or afraid (example, Master Ready-to-Halt and Master Feeble-mind).

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